Harrisburg Diabetic Youth Camp

The Harrisburg Diabetic Youth Camp (HDYC)
is one-week of adventure for children and tweens
with diabetes ages 7*-12!  

Make memories while you share fun and diabetes education with friends at the Harrisburg Diabetic Youth Camp (HDYC).


Summer campers can participate in endless activity choices!  

  • Explore nature trails.  
  • Take a dip in the pool or have fun at arts & crafts.  
  • Meet new friends boating or playing basketball.  
  • Try your hand at archery and make a bulls-eye.  

While opportunities for adventure are many, diabetes education is also a big part of HDYC.

Under supervision of medical professionals, campers are taught to:

  1. check their blood-glucose levels
  2. administer insulin, and
  3. record results.  

By learning diabetes management, campers will build a sense of competence and take home new skills to enrich their everyday lives.

But don’t worry, we have no classes at HDYC!  Everything you learn, you pick up from the daily activities; in other words, what you learn is caught, not taught. 

The one similarity every program has is FUN!

Specific activities at the HDYC include:

  • Archery
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Boating
  • Color Wars
  • Campfires & Camp Songs
  • Court Games: Basketball, Four-Square, Gaga
  • Field Games: Soccer, Baseball
  • Gaga
  • Hiking
  • Mini-Golf
  • Nature Lore
  • Swimming (in pool)
  • Volleyball

*7 year-old campers must be able to check their own blood sugar & have their doctor confirm their ability. Please contact the camp office for more information.