Help Camp Setebaid® Raise Camperships with HundredX’s Give Without Spending Fundraiser!

Give Without Spending is a fundraiser for Setebaid diabetes camps that runs through May 16th, 2023. You earn $1 for every submitted feedback, which only takes about 1 minute to complete. Our campaign, through the Diabetes Education & Camping Association, will directly help children get to diabetes camp!  Here is how it works:


  • Simply visit or scan the QR code below to sign up and start providing feedback.
  • Select “Setebaid Services” as the camp you are supporting
  • Share your information with the camp so we can give you credit for your work.
  • Know: Your information is only shared with us; HundredX will not sell or share your personal information with others.


  • Select brands you know, like Target, Apple, and Samsung.
  • Every survey completed (which takes approximately 1 minute) earns us $1.
  • There is no cost to you.
  • Goal: Each person completes 75 feedbacks.
  • Goal:  Each person invites 10 more people to participate.

Please help us get more campers to diabetes camp! Thank you!